
Mário Tommasiello Filho
Phone: +55 (19) 3447-6627
Other professors: none
Support staff: Aparecido Candido Siqueira
Study of the anatomical structure, quality and identification of the timber; Evaluation of natural wood defects due to the growth of trees; Dendrochronology (growth rings); Application of X-ray densitometry in the assessment of growth rings (annual increase of mass and C), the biodegradation of wood, silvicultural practices, timber products.
José Leonardo de Moraes Gonçalves
Phone: +55 (19) 3447 - 6631
Other professors: none
Support staff: Alba Valéria Masetto, Daieli Longato
Conducting research and analysis in the areas of hydrology, ecology, soils and nutrition forests conducted by the Department of Forest Sciences and Institute of Forestry Research and Studies (IPEF).


Francides Gomes da Silva Junior
Phone: +55 (19) 3447 - 6617
Other professors: none
Support staff: none
Ivaldo Pontes Jankowsky
Phone: +55 (19) 3447 - 6656
Other professors: none
Support staff: Alex Canale
Study of the physical properties of wood and fluid handling mechanisms through the material. Application of knowledge in the development and improvement of industrial processes of drying and preservative treatment of wood. Study and evaluation of the behavior of wood-based products in different usage scenarios; with a view to application of drying and preservative treatment.
Marcos Sorrentino
Phone: +55 (19) 3447 - 6648
Other professors: none
Support staff: none
The Oca - Education and Environmental Policy Laboratory - ESALQ-USP is aimed at training professionals, researchers (as) citizens (multicomponent); people active in educating themselves environmentally and in the design, implementation and evaluation of public policies towards sustainable societies.

Phone: +55 (14) 3884-6623 - Anhembi
Fax: +55 (14) 38481520 - Itatinga
Other professors: none
Support staff: Elaine Cristina da Silva Casonato , João Carlos Teixeira Mendes, Rildo Moreira e Moreira
In 1974, the University of São Paulo (USP) received from Power Plants in the State of São Paulo (CESP) the donation of two remaining plots of land expropriation for the installation of Barra Bonita reservoir, for academic and scientific purposes.
Luciana Duque Silva
Phone: +55 (19) 3447-6689
Other professors: none
Support staff: Maria Aparecida R. C. Bermudez
The Forest Ecophysiology Laboratory and Forestry (lefs), ESALQ / USP, is a laboratory established to facilitate research related to ecophysiological aspects of the development of planted forests, with production purposes or restoration
Weber Antonio Neves do Amaral
Phone: +55 (19) 3447 - 6652
Other professors: none
Support staff: none
The Genetic and Biotechnology Forest Resources Laboratory, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Weber Antonio Neves Amaral, is dedicated to forestry studies at the molecular genetic level and in genetic conservation of plant biodiversity through the application of modern technologies for improvement and crop production.
Biosafety with Genetically Modified Organisms
Impact Risk Analysis
Silvio Frosini de Barros Ferraz
Phone: +55 (19) 3447 - 6668
Fax: +55 (19) 3447 - 6607
Other professors: none
Support staff: none
The Forest Hydrology Laboratory (LHF) aims to contribute to the understanding of the relationship between forests and water and how forest management can influence these relationships. Therefore, conducts studies to identify the effects of forestry activities on the hydrological functioning of watersheds. These studies also involve monitoring and improvement of hydrological indicators that serve as reference in the search for good management.
Geraldo Bortoletto Junior
Phone: +55 (19) 3447 - 6656
Other professors: none
Support staff: Alex Canale
Geraldo Bortoletto Junior
Phone: +55 (19) 3447 - 6669
Other professors: none
Support staff: Alex Canale
Teresa Cristina Magro Lindenkamp
Phone: +55 (19) 3447 - 6622
Other professors: none
Support staff: none
The Natural Protected Areas Laboratory (LANP) conducts research to contribute to the management of natural areas and historical value of local / cultural.Faz the University of São Paulo, and is located in the Department of Forest Sciences on the campus of the School Superior Luiz de Queiroz Agriculture / ESALQ.
Demóstenes Ferreira da Silva Filho, João Luís Ferreira Batista, Luiz Carlos Estraviz Rodriguez
Phone: +55 (19) 3447 - 6649
Fax: +55 (19) 3447 - 6676
Other professors: none
Support staff: Jefferson Lordello Polizel
  • Biostatistics, Forest Inventory and Videography
  • Forest Biometrics and Quantitative Ecology
  • Economics and Forest Management
  • Forestry Urban, Urban Environmental Management and Videography
  • Ecology and Environmental Impact Management
José Leonardo de Moraes Gonçalves
Phone: +55 (19) 3447 - 6659
Other professors: none
Support staff: Donizete Aparecido Sabino, José Amarildo da Fonseca, Natanael da Silva Duarte


José Nivaldo Garcia
Phone: +55 (19) 3447 - 6691
Other professors: none
Support staff: Luis Eduardo Facco